About Us

What We Do

The State Ethics Commission is responsible for interpreting and administering the State Government Ethics Act, including issuing formal advisory opinions, administering the financial disclosure process (Statement of Economic Interest or “SEI” filings), providing education for individuals covered by the Ethics Act, and investigating complaints alleging a violation of the Ethics Act or Lobbying Law. The Commission also interprets all provisions of the Lobbying Law and shares enforcement authority over the Lobbying Law with the Secretary of State’s office.

More information about the Commission's jurisdiction.

Who We Are

The State Ethics Commission

The State Ethics Commission consists of eight members, four Republicans and four Democrats. Four members are appointed by the Governor and four members are appointed by the General Assembly, two upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and two upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House.

Name Term Expires Appointed by County
William H. Freeman, Chair (D) 12/31/25 Governor Forsyth
Francis X. De Luca (R), Vice Chair 12/31/26 Senate President Pro Tempore New Hanover
James L. Baker (R) 12/31/27 Governor Madison 
Thomas Jeffery Keith (R) 12/31/25 Governor Forsyth
Dr. Clarence G. Newsome (D) 12/31/24 Senate President Pro Tempore Mecklenburg 
Renee Robinson (D) 12/31/27 Governor Wake
Carl J. Stewart (D) 12/31/24 Speaker of the House Gaston 
Lawrence Yarborough (R) 12/31/26 Speaker of the House Person

Commission Staff

Name Duties
Kathleen S. Edwards Executive Director, Advisory Opinions
Aaron Harris Compliance Analyst, SEI Unit
Jameson Marks Counsel, Investigations
Tracey Powell Reception, Education Assistant
Angela Pryor Compliance Analyst, SEI Unit
Mary Roerden Manager, SEI Unit
Susanne Sing Compliance Analyst, SEI Unit (MPO/RPO)
David Smyth Counsel, Education
Jane Steffens Sr. Compliance Analyst, SEI Unit
Katie Stephan Paralegal, Investigations

Commission Meetings

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Ethics Commission will be held on August 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Those interested may listen to the meeting by dialing 1-984-204-1487 and entering Conference ID 712 574 792#

Office Location

We have moved back to the Capehart-Crocker House, the Commission's original home.