Ethics Liaisons

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Serve as the point of contact for the State Ethics Commission and your agency/commission.  
  • Most employees and members of State boards must file their SEIs and be evaluated for conflicts of interest by Commission staff prior to their appointment. G.S. 138A-22(a). Please promptly notify the SEI Unit of any new covered employees or appointees, providing the new appointee’s name, appointing authority, start date, and end date.  This Webform can also be used for those updates. Information entered on the form will go directly to the SEI email address. Updates lists involving multiple employees or appointees may also be sent to
  • Please keep in mind that members of State boards continue to serve until they resign or are replaced, regardless of the official term expiration date. Therefore, until a board member is replaced, they must file an SEI and keep up to date with ethics education.
  • You may also send us the official Notice of Appointment for board members. The law requires that this notice be sent by the appointing authority to the Ethics Commission upon making an appointment.
  • Notify the SEI Unit when employees/appointees retire, resign, or otherwise leave their position so  we can update our database of filers. You are our only source for this information.
  • Periodically review the State Ethics Commission’s website for new information including: education opportunities, newsletters, and advisory opinions.
  • Maintain active communication with the State Ethics Commission on any Ethics Act-related issues. 

Statements of Economic Interest (SEIs)  

  • Ensure newly appointed individuals file their SEI prior to taking their position/being sworn.  
  • Remind all filers of their annual obligation to file their SEIs by April 15th.
  • Encourage filers to file electronically through the State Ethics Commission’s website.  
  • Electronic filing is more efficient, provides the filer with immediate confirmation of filing, and ensures that filers complete every question. It also provides a starting point for the next filing year.  In 2023, 91% of SEI filers filed electronically.
  • Those filing manually must answer every question and keep a copy for their records.
  • Compliance Report to track completion of SEI requirements.

Education Information

Advice & Advisory Opinions

Ethics liaisons may also request informal advice from Commission staff or a formal advisory opinion from the Commission on behalf of or concerning individuals in their agencies who are covered by the State Government Ethics Act.

Other Helpful Links

The following links may be helpful to you in your role as an ethics liaison:

Search Filed SEIs

Statements of Economic Interest


Advisory Opinions



Recusal Guidelines for Public Servants